Parent/Teacher Communication

The Barn maintains an Open Door Policy – not only are parents involved with the school when parent helping, but there are many volunteer opportunities to see the children in their preschool environment. Additionally, The Barn Preschool has several means of communicating with our families.

Barn Yarn Newsletter

The staff writes a weekly newsletter describing the children’s activities of the week along with pertinent information for parents. The newsletter is distributed via email and includes upcoming calendar events, photos, curriculum information, parent helping schedules, and community news.

Student Journals

The teachers present the children with a journal documenting their school-year journey at our year-end celebration. These journals feature photos of the child at The Barn, artwork created by the child, and favorite songs and memories from the school year.


The teachers create developmental records and progress reports for each child. The staff conducts two parent conferences each year – one in the Fall and one in the Spring. Parents can request a supplemental conference at any time